Thursday, October 25, 2007

So what's the plan: Iran

Here's the new plan folks. Sanction Iran to make it weaker.

More from the AP:
WASHINGTON - The Bush administration announced sweeping new sanctions against Iran Thursday — the harshest since the takeover of the U.S. Embassy in 1979 — charging anew that Tehran supports terrorism in the Middle East, exports missiles and is engaging in a nuclear build up.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, joined at a State Department news conference by Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, said the steps the Bush administration is taking against the Revolutionary Guard Corps and a number of banks are designed, among other things, to punish Tehran for its support of terrorist organizations in Iraq and the Middle East.

Rice said the moves were in response to "a comprehensive policy to confront the threatening behavior of the Iranians" although she also said that Washington remains open to "a diplomatic solution."

But Rice quickly added: "Unfortunately the Iranian government continues to spurn our offer of open negotiations, instead threatening peace and security by pursuing nuclear technologies that can lead to a nuclear weapon, building dangerous ballistic missiles, supporting Shia militants in Iraq and terrorists in Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and the Palestinian territories, and denying the existence of a fellow member of the United Nations, threatening to wipe Israeli off the map."

I really like Rice's "open to diplomatic solutions." It is our president who has threatened WWIII. It is also this administration who supported Israeli invasion into Lebanon. And Iraq- well, need I say more?

And for y'all who think that somehow Iran is going to nuke Israel- one of the stupidest notions I have ever heard- I will off this tidbit of "evidence" of the true intentions of Iran.

Iran's conservative new president, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, said Wednesdaythat Israel must be "wiped off the map" and that attacks by Palestinians would destroy it, the ISNA press agency reported.


His tone was reminiscent of that of the early days of Iran's Islamic revolution in 1979. Iran and Israel have been bitter enemies since then, and anti-Israel slogans have been common at rallies.


Ahmadinejad said in his remarks Wednesday that the issue of a Palestinian state would be resolved only when Palestinians took control of all their lands.

What Ahmedinejad is saying is nothing new. There isn't a new threat there.
Iran wants Palestinians to have their land. What land will there be to have if it is nuked?

In your own minds, cut through the rhthym of the war drum beat and hear the logic and reasoning. It is the only way we can stop another disaster for our land and country.



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