Friday, October 19, 2007

New AG, Same as Old AG

Bush's new lapdog Attorney General may make a condemning statement here and there against torture- "Ooooh torture memo so bad"- but he still parses words and relies on semantics to slither his way through definitions.

What's worse is that nothing changes in how the government is working. Mukasey stil feels Bush should have the same amount of power as before. Meet the same jerk, just as bad as the old chump. From the CQ:
Attorney general nominee Michael Mukasey signaled Thursday he shares the administration’s expansive view of President Bush’s authority to withhold information from Congress, skirt federal statutes and authorize harsh interrogation techniques.

The retired federal judge’s statements, during the second day of his confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, put him at odds with the Democrats who will decide whether Mukasey succeeds Alberto R. Gonzales as the head of the Justice Department.

That is actually the whole article. But you can find a whole story about how Mukasey wiggled and writhed through explaining water-boarding. Sure it is probably fun to watch, but I find his disturbing view on our democracy to be much more newsworthy.



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