Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Bush at 24- Congress at 11

I hate Polls. Sure they are a measure of public opinion. That is it. There is no way to measure the "rigthness" of policy or decisions. It has become an excuse to do or not do something based on making the "tough" decision or doing the right thing Americans want. It is really saying, "I will do this whether you like it or not," i.e. "FUCK YOU."

It by no means shows that by going against public opinion you're making the "tough" or "right" decision, as Bush would have you believe he is doing. He can't have it both ways- invade and it be popular- that was the "right" decision after you manipulated public opinion by fear and intimidation. It is also not the "right" decision when the president is exposed as a liar and arrogant leader and public decides the sacrifice of the public honor, blood, resources, and trust in the his warped worldview is not worth it. It is time to honor American public that entrusted you. Lest you be a parasite on the body public, not wanted but yet taking strength and life from us to empower itself, the politics of the today must respond. In other words, if Washington cannot bring change, it will soon endanger its own existence.

With that disclaimer Bush at 24 percent approval and Congress at 11 in the recent Reuters/Zogby poll for a sustained time shows that public is continually aginst this conflict and Bush, yet he is unresponsive. Congress is also unresponsive. Yet both carry on like they are truly governing this country. The public is restless and without directiion becuase of its uncaring leadership. Washington does not feel the effects of its policies. The issues are telling. Bush vetoes the healthcare coverage of children- for reasons so absurd they are not worth reprinting.

Congress let's interest groups and strong lobbyist groups decides what is in the best interest of the world and the country. This week it is by revisitng history and placing labels on human tragedy and those who perpetrate it.
We can be hopeful that in 100 years the mass death of Iraqis will not be labeled crimes against humanity or genocide by the Chinese, Indians, or Russians (or any other great power).



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