Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Color Me Skeptical

I place this under the "Highly Doubtful" column. Hillary Clinton says she will give back powers that the Bush White House has taken for themselves.
Clinton denounced the Bush Administration's push to concentrate more power in the White House as a "power grab" not supported by the Constitution.

Asked if she would consider giving up some of those powers if she were president, Clinton replied, "Oh, absolutely ... I mean, that has to be part of the review that I undertake when I get to the White House, and I intend to do that."

A president is not just going to go back and cede power to Congress, which in its ineptitude during the 5, ah hell make it 50, years did not force it to give back. I really can't think of a moment when Congress did this. The War Powers Act was probably the most forceful of these attempts and that is being undermined daily by the Bush Administration. Congress has been fighting a losing battle with the White House Since the days of FDR.



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