Friday, April 13, 2007

Wolfowitz very popular everywhere he goes...

Paul Wolfowitz, one of the biggest contributors to the very poor state of affairs in the world today, is not having such a heckuva time at his current cushy position, President of the World Bank.

Let's read some more from NYTimes:
Paul D. Wolfowitz’s tenure as president of the World Bank was thrown into turmoil on Thursday by the disclosure that he had helped arrange a pay raise for his companion at the time of her transfer from the bank to the State Department, where she remained on the bank payroll.

You mean he's a corrupt asshole? I couldn't even begin to imagine!

But Maybe he made an honest mistake apologizes, I'm sure that will smooth things over right? Let's see:
Earlier, the bank’s staff association had declared that it was “impossible for the institution to move forward with any sense of purpose under the present leadership.” The association had helped spearhead an investigation into Ms. Riza’s transfer and raise, details of which came into the open in the last 24 hours.

The events injected a new ugliness into what had already been a bitter rift between Mr. Wolfowitz and many of the bank’s employees, who have questioned his suitability for the job as a former deputy secretary of defense and architect of the Iraq war, and have challenged many of his policies at the bank, especially those cracking down on corruption in which he suspended aid to several countries without consulting the board.

Poor Wolfy, can't seem to get a break.

This man, among many others should be run out of town and never take part in form of international governance ever again. Never.


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