Thursday, March 15, 2007

Khalid Sheik Mohammed confesses to 9/11... a military tribunal court at Guantonamo Bay.

Here is a little of what he had to say (from the AP):
"I was responsible for the 9/11 operation from A to Z," Mohammed said in a statement read Saturday during a Combatant Status Review Tribunal at the U.S. detention facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Mohammed's confession was read by a member of the U.S. military who is serving as his personal representative.

The Pentagon released a 26-page transcript of the closed-door proceedings on Wednesday night. Some material was omitted, and it wasn't possible to immediately confirm details. The document refers to locations for which the United States and other nations have issued terrorism warnings based on what they deemed credible threats from 1993 to the present.

...In laying out his role in 31 attacks, his words drew al-Qaida closer to plots of the early 1990s than the group has previously been linked, including the 1993 World Trade Center truck bombing in which six people died.

Six people with links to global terror networks were convicted in federal court and sentenced to life in prison for that attack.

Mohammed made clear that al-Qaida wanted to down a second trans-Atlantic aircraft during would-be shoe bomber Richard Reid's operation.

And he confessed to the beheading of Wall Street Journal reporter Daniel Pearl in a section of the statement that was excised from the public document, The Associated Press has learned. Pearl was abducted in January 2002 in Pakistan while researching a story on Islamic militancy. Mohammed has long been a suspect in the slaying, which was captured on video.

And we are supposed to believe everything this man says after years of imprisonment and being held by the CIA? This admission means nothing, because A) introduced in a "court" that allows no press or independent observers B) he was held for three years in secret prisons by the CIA.

We must ask ourselves (especially the fuckin' press who never gets it) if we can really accept this admission considering the circumstances. We have no idea when it was given and under what conditions. For all we know this man just simply wants it to end and this is his way out. Confess to everything.

"Daniel Pearl, oh yeah that was me. You know that crazy guy who scared you shitless last week when you were flying? I secretly communicated with him to say his Islamic prayers to keep you in fear. I instructed him though not take out his bottle of "mouthwash" and blow up the plane though. That's for next time."

Bottomline: This whole process has no credibiity, not when it is a process that has been set up by the Bush Administration and not when this was in CIA secret prisons and all of this with the knowledge of what we know now. It is what Americans who have opposed Bush for years now have been saying. We have a crisis of confidence.


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