Monday, March 12, 2007

Dems are weak... not on war but resisting it.

In the face of Intimidation, Democrats wilt

If you want the weakness narrative to continue, repeatedly do this. Over and Over again, how many more times will Democrats betray America's trust?

Top House Democrats retreated Monday from an attempt to limit President Bush's authority for taking military action against Iran as the leadership concentrated on a looming confrontation with the White House over the Iraq war.

Officials said Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other members of the leadership had decided to strip from a major military spending bill a requirement for Bush to gain approval from Congress before moving against Iran.

Conservative Democrats as well as lawmakers concerned about the possible impact on Israel had argued for the change in strategy.

The developments occurred as Democrats pointed toward an initial test vote in the House Appropriations Committee on Thursday on the overall bill, which would require the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by Sept. 1, 2008, if not earlier. The measure provides nearly $100 billion to pay for fighting in two wars, and includes more money than the president requested for operations in Afghanistan and what Democrats called training and equipment shortages.

The White House has issued a veto threat against the bill, and Vice President Dick Cheney attacked its supporters in a speech, declaring they "are telling the enemy simply to watch the clock and wait us out."

Americans voted Democrats in to check Bush and now they renege on their trust. I can only think of Bush leaving religious conservatives behind after '04 as the worst political betrayal, but then again he got them closer to a Supreme Court than Dems appear willing to do with Iraq and the Middle East. Their failures are coming through on many points like minimum wage.

It is hard to contain the sweeping rage to see fear and weakness motivate our actions. America will soon feel the same way.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., said in a statement that America was less safe today because of the war. The president "must change course, and it's time for the Senate to demand he do it," he added.

The Iran-related proposal stemmed from a desire to make sure Bush did not launch an attack without going to Congress for approval, but drew opposition from numerous members of the rank and file in a series of closed-door sessions last week.

Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., said in an interview there is widespread fear in Israel about Iran, which is believed to be seeking nuclear weapons and has expressed unremitting hostility about the Jewish state.

"It would take away perhaps the most important negotiating tool that the U.S. has when it comes to Iran," she said of the now-abandoned provision.

"I didn't think it was a very wise idea to take things off the table if you're trying to get people to modify their behavior and normalize it in a civilized way," said Rep. Gary Ackerman of New York.

Several officials said there was widespread opposition to the proposal at a closed-door meeting last week of conservative and moderate Democrats, who said they feared tying the hands of the administration when dealing with an unpredictable and potentially hostile regime in Tehran.

Friends, that truly is standing strong for the people of America... Oh wait, rather the people of America who have political money to finance re-election campaigns. WEAK.WEAK.WEAK.WEAK.WEAK.WEAK.PATHETIC.

The members of Congress are not morons, and we presume that they know more than us when we elect them to represent us at higher office.


Iran is not irrational, understand that their motives this very moment and in the near future are for sel-preservation. They will not destroy themselves to destroy Israel, no matter how much they would like. This is much like America or the Soviet Union would've loved to destroy each other but understand that the costs are too great. We hold the threat of war over Iran, unstated or otherwise. They know that we do not need to say it is still an option, and we sure as hell don't need President Bush to make the decision to launch some overnight war. War is always an option, we don't Bush making this decision without Congress. Apparently, Congress doesn't feel the same way. These are fuckin' losers.

The Emperor lost the trust and credibility and so America attempted to keep him from making the same mistake twice and elected the opposition party to power in Congress. Apparently we have been failed.


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