Thursday, February 08, 2007

That's it, keep wasting your time...

Back to the Good 'Ol Days? Check out the Republicans new time waster (in place of substantive criticisms or debate about Iraq or other pertinent issues...):

The White House on Thursday defended House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record) against Republican criticism that her desire to fly in an Air Force transport plane is an extravagance.

"This is a silly story and I think it's been unfair to the speaker," White House spokesman Tony Snow said.

Republicans are taking issue with the size of the plane Pelosi would need to fly in to reach her hometown of San Francisco without refueling. There are three Air Force airplanes that have the fuel capacity to make the trip nonstop, with the largest being a C-32 plane, a military version of the Boeing 757-200.

That's it- keep it up boys, waste the President's time. It is a little different for ya when the president is on your side and your wasting his time. But keep these petty issues on the table please. America really wants to know how absurd you are and soon enough will realize how the Clinton years were wasted because of your fucking inanity.

Hmmmm... here's a critical thinking problem. An equation if you will: Bush disasters + Republican leadership with nothing to say = Democratic Majority for many many years.

Rep. Adam Putnam of Florida, the No. 3 Republican leader, called Pelosi's desire for a large transport plane "an extravagance of power that the taxpayers won't swallow."

Taking on extravagance in the name of the taxpayer. I am certain Americans believe you when you say that, when I look to the last 12 years of republican power.

Really, try harder.


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