Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Bush: Congressional spending is out of control. Yeah, and?

This is too funny:

WASHINGTON - President Bush said Wednesday he'll submit a proposal to balance the budget in five years and exhorted Congress to "end the dead of night process" of quietly tucking expensive pet projects into spending bills.

Wow, Bush takes an overwhelmingly popular position. Something he can really unite the country on! But oh no no, Bush isn't a terrible spender himself. It's all Congress's faults. I mean they're the ones who keep sending him bills to sign after all.

But what about.. oh yes here we go wasteful war spending:

The president's spokesman, meanwhile, said Bush would talk in his Jan. 23 State of the Union address about making spending on the
Iraq war "as transparent as possible."

Lawmakers and the independent, bipartisan Iraq Study Group have criticized the Bush administration for funding the war through emergency supplemental bills, instead of including the costs in the administration's yearly formal budget request for running the government. That means the full cost of the war is not included in the administration's deficit calculations, and are not subject to overall spending caps.

So for someone who never suffers from cognitive dissonance, it must make total sense to send a budget that never accounts for all the daily emergencies we seem to have in Iraq. We will all realize, that Bush truly is only smart enough to win elections. And that says alot about our broken electoral system...


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