Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Welcome to Outside Agitator

Welcome all to Outside Agitator! This is a blog from the heart of the West Virginian mountains (and they are mountains!) for forward thinkers from all around. The name Outside Agitator is a reference to the labor movement in the 20th Century and most often in the coal mines of Appalachia. Local politicians and coal-mine owners would often label union organizers as "outsiders" sent to threaten the stability of their community, their jobs, but most importantly, their profits. Soon the criticism was leveled at anyone who would criticize laissez-faire capitalism and demand the dignity of laborers and workers. The argument against these "agitators" was an appeal to the us vs. them mentality, seeking to undermine support from the middle-class and the solidarity of workers. In short, these days it refers to anyone who questions the constructs of this "free and open" society. But we "outside agitators" are far from outsiders bent on destroying the social fabric of our communities. We are firsthand witnesses to the destructivness of corporatism and elite conservatism that undermines the democratic society we all seek. Our country was founded upon some good ideas,it was also incomplete and its potential to create an equal society with equal opportunity is far from being realized. If you think America has this potential and see the artificial limits and weak societal constructs propped up by our media, our politicians, our intellectual leaders, and our business leaders, then you my friend are an outside agitator, of the worst kind.

I'm your host Amos Noble, entrepeneur in ideas, agitator, and meanwhile adventurer. I welcome your views, perspectives, and ultimately comments in this experiment. I hope you find the content provocative and useful in challenging every convential thought you may have ever possessed. If you survive, you'll be stronger for it.


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