Monday, January 22, 2007

Bush to America: Unpopular war got you down? No problem! I've got an domestic agenda that you'll just love!

Ever since the '06 elections confirmed that Americans are really tired of the Iraq war, (Why can't they understand we were attacked!) our beloved Messiah...I mean President Bush... has been trying to figure out what to do for two more years that will make people not hate him so. While trying to salvage his war through escalation...I mean..."surge", Bush has decided to focus on domestic issues.

From the AP:

The president is expected to address:
• Health care: Bush will propose a tax deduction of $7,500 for individuals and $15,000 for families regardless of whether they buy their own health insurance or receive medical coverage at work. Health care insurance would be considered taxable income, and people with more generous policies could face tax increases unless they change plans. The administration says its plan will help people who buy insurance individually rather than through their employers. The administration says the tax deductions will allow more Americans to buy insurance.

• Energy: Bush is expected to call for a sharp escalation of corn-based ethanol as a gasoline blend. He also may seek the power to raise fuel economy standards for passenger cars, probably as part of a plan to offer financial incentives for increasing alternative fuels. The auto industry has resisted upgraded mileage requirements and stressed a need for vehicles fueled by alternatives such as ethanol, diesel and eventually hydrogen. Bush asked for the same authority last year. Some Democrats worry the plan would give transportation officials overly broad authority to change the system and note the measure would not have any impact on current gas prices.

• Education: Bush will push for Congress to renew his education law, No Child Left Behind, which expires this year. Democrats have already signaled their intention to work with him but will expect him to go along with increases in spending. The law pushes schools that receive federal poverty aid to show yearly progress or face sanctions, including allowing students to transfer or demand extra tutoring.

Wow! I think these issues are going to cement the Bush legacy. All of these stands address some basic concerns of Americans, and do nothing to give in to the Communist...I mean Democrat party.

Let's review:

Health insurance a problem? Not anymore! We have a tax deduction for you. Never mind that Democratic talk that the system is in need of overhaul and healthcare industry is out of control. This tax deduction should be able to fix the problem.

Energy independence? Ha! Got that figured out. Ethanol has been around forever and we will just use it more. Let's not call on changing the way we live or force the auto industry to make better cars. Bush already said we are addicted to oil, this sounds like the solution. An energy source that takes more energy to produce than it creates. Yeah that's the ticket. Plus maybe people will forget that Bush called for a hydrogen car back in '03.

Education? Easy, just keep doing what we are doing. No Child Left Behind is working. Bush never really funded it and has basically reduced education to math and reading. That's all we need. People need to just know how to do math and read about what a great leader Bush has been. This policy really is working out.

Notice he isn't going to showcase his courageous stands on stem cell research, Social Security, or record deficits. No matter, he does have to leave a little room to defend his bold move to escalate...I mean utilize the "surge" option... in Iraq.

No president has ever gone without a little adversity. Looks like that is all we are facing right not. I have a good feeling about the State of the Union if I do say so myself.

Randolph Clark signing off... I'm off to join the ole boys for a good cigar and scotch before we shoot some farm raised quail tomorrow morning.


Blogger Amos said...

Yeah- this SOTU will go right in the garbage with the other throw-away SOTU speeches given to us by this fuck. Of course also- the most remarkable one He ever gave was the axis of evil and My God are we ever paying for it. Sad but true to think that even with a Repbulican majority for the large aprt of his presidency he has proposed little and got even less accomplished for Americans.

9:07 AM  

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